Fate of the malaysian indian youths.

Topic started by VJ (@ on Thu Oct 16 01:16:11 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The amount of voilence that happening among indian youths are increasing tremendously and the amount of education preference among them is decreasing.They are easily influenced by indian media's which regularly promotes movies which contains extreme voilence in them.And they usually choose to end thier studies at G.C.E level or maybe lower. Youths are the one who is going to put the standing of our society and they are the one who going to decide where we will stand. Are we forever going to be third class citizens?Did our ancestors gained us freedom to waste it?What method of life that our people think enough for them..cukup makan? I'm not condemning our people,our people have the brains and brawns but why waste it?


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