Sardar Jokes

Topic started by Tamizharasan (@ on Tue Jul 22 16:03:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi Everyone
As we know sardar jokes are very famous in India. this thread is not to hurt anyone. this one is just for fun. Let me start with one sardar joke. You are welcome to post whatever you guys have heard. so that we can have collection of sardar jokes.

Two sardarji's named guru singh and satavan singh are travelling in a train.
Guru singh looks like typical sardarji with beard and moustache.
Unfortunately Satavan Singh does not have beard and moustache.
Guru Singh goes to sleep asking satavan singh to wake him up when Ahmedabad comes. Satavan singh is very jealous of his co traveller guru singh because he does not have beard and moustach. So while gurusingh is sleeping he takes a knife and shaves of guru singh's beard and moustache.
Before Ahmedabad's comes satavan singh goes to guru singh and wakes him up.Guru singh goes to wash basin to freshen up. But after seeing his face in the mirror he says this guy satavan singh woke up somebody else instead of me!!!!!!


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