SURYAN FM - On Internet

Topic started by Tech-World (@ on Mon Feb 16 13:32:28 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear friends,

I can see awsome interest by all of us for listening to SURYAN FM...

Now we are thinking why shouldnt we start SURYAN FM broadcast on internet..

But i want to be sure, it is not gonna result in ilegal problems like licensing and stuffs.. if someone could clarify this, we will start working on launching SURYAN FM on the internet ..

If all goes well we can develop the site and software in just 30 days.... We can not just offer suryan fm but also radio mirchy....

Please give us some ideas , suggestions and etc and offcourse if there anyone to give contribution if we start the project!!!

Thanks Friends... I look forward to hear from you all..


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