Indian National Anthem: Praising the British Monarch

Topic started by IMS (@ on Wed May 15 12:02:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

How many of you know that the one Billion Indians are singing the praise and glory of the King George V and Queen Mary of England?

The poem "Jana gana mana" was written by Tagore to welcome the King George V and Mary the Queen consort when they visited India in 1911. After independence the present National Anthem "jana gana mana" was chosen amidst a great controversy by the then short sighted and narrow minded politicians and leaders. Don't we have poets now in India to write a NEW ORIGINAL TRUE national anthem? Why do we have to sing the glory of King George and Queen Mary? Or are we still under the rule of the Brtish empire?

Our present "Intelligent politicians and leaders show their patriotism just by changing the city names and road names, but continue singing the praise of King George and Queen Mary. Why don't you (the leaders and politicians) think a second to understand the meaning or the story behind "jana gana mana"...before singing? IF YOU KNOW THE MEANING THEN YOU WOULD NOT SING THE SONG AT ALL....


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