Is this the fall of ARR - AE is a disaster

Topic started by Me is a ARR fan (@ on Sat Mar 20 01:03:30 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Guys and Girls,

Hot topic of the week or month...Is this the fall of great ARR?

Please put your views across.

I hear AE have sold record breaking amount of albums. But hearing the songs I belive people only bought the albums expecting it to be good, rather than because it is good. Mani Ratnam movie, ARR, Mathavan, Suriya, Siddarth, Trisha, Meera Jasmine...everyone would have expected the songs to be really good...and also since ARR is coming from hits like Boys, Enakku 20 Unakku 18 and Kankala Kaidu Sai...but they were stupid enough to buy it without listening it on the net.

Or maybe that report is wrong. It was rather sony who bought them to save Rahman's face? What do you think guys? Is this the fall of the great ARR.

I think it won't be the end. He will come back. Hope anyway.

In my view, songs are so bad I laughed after hearing a couple of them. How could that clown Mani Ratnam accept these songs? Couple of songs doesn't have anywords to the songs...dol dol...what a disaster. Is is just he couldn't be botherd making tamil and hindi versions that he rather had a song common to both?


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