review ilayathalapathys Thirumalai

Topic started by geethai (@ on Mon Oct 27 23:13:23 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Tirumalai is the man for all reasons. Mechanic, expert bike racer, lovelorn but at the same time bails hapless lovers to unite and give philosophical and practical speeches which even inspires the villain in the climax to unite him with his lover!

The failing of Tirumalai is that it presents the hero as a comic book superhero than a real person. It looks more like a sequel to Vijay’s earlier films like Bhagavathy and Puthiya Geethai, a ‘masala’ concoction of formula film.

So meet Tirumalai (Vijay) a happy-go-lucky mechanic who is an orphan living in the automobile street of Puthupet in Chennai. He has a group of friends for whom he would do anything. He is also very close to his mentor (Raghuvaran as an artist) and Raghuvaran's wife Lakshmi (Nandini). On New Year day he meets a girl Swetha (Jyothika) a fashion designer student. She greets him and tells him to spread happiness around and immediately our hero falls hook-line sinker for her! She is the daughter of a business tycoon who owns six satellite channels!

Employing all cinematic clichés seen in ‘masala’ films Tirumalai tries to woo the rich girl and wins her over with his goodness! Meanwhile the tycoon father (Kannada actor Avinash) hates the idea of a lowbrow mechanic being his son-in-law and seeks the help of a local godfather Arasu (Manoj.K.Jayan) who kills people like swatting flies. Tirumalai not only finishes off Arasu’s gang members but also saves him from death. Now it is Arasu’s turn to help Tirumalai to get his girl.

Phew! Technically tacky and story-wise lamebrain, it is another narcissistic enterprise for Vijay. Director Ramana should have gone into the basics of filmmaking before attempting to make this over-the-top love story. Vijay has worked and reworked on his tried and tested action and comedy antics once again. One of the highlights of Tirumalai are the peppy songs of Vidyasagar.

verdict:entertaiment for die hard vijay fans


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