Details about Arabian Thriller Express held in Bahrain...

Topic started by Imran (@ on Thu Nov 27 02:10:53 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Arabian Thriller Express
The star-studded show featuring 60 top Indian artists lead by Dileep and Directed by Lal Jose is catching popularity all over the Gulf. I was one among the lucky one’s to witness the talents exhibited by our top artists in Bahrain. The Bahrain show scheduled to start at 8pm delayed for another 2 hours for it’s start due to problems as far as the technical side was concerned. Since the show ended late night in Kuwait and as they had their show in Bahrain the next day, they were in trouble as one of their flights having their main technical equipments had to be shifted and so on. Due to this reason the delay was caused. Lal Jose and team deeply regreted for the precious time lost. But once the show started off people got deeply engaged into it.
Dileep did one of his skits in the Kunjikoonan outfits. One of the major drawbacks of the show was the use of Tamil songs and Dances. Atleast 65-70% of the program contained tamil songs and dances which was not what we fans really expected for. They must have gone for such an option bcos tamil generally contains quite few fast no’s required for a stage show. The show skit features quite a lot of Muslim one’s.
All of the actress were looking as beautiful as ever. Jyothirmayi did not have a major role. She just had a mixed number dance, the opening dance and the last song Karipinazhaku. Kalpana was at her best. Harisree Asokan, Cochin Haneefa and Salim Kumar have been disappointing. Vidhu Pratap and Reemi’s music was really a class one. Overall I would rate this show as an average one. It’s been a long time since such big stars have come and entertained us(Gulf Malayalees) so it’s a show worth watching cos u never know how many years it would take for another one like this.
If one of the show members happen to read this I would like to suggest Plz do not sing too much of Tamil and disregard our language completely.
I request all those who attended the show to mail in their experiences here. Goodbye Kuwait. Goodbye Bahrain. I wish the very best to all the stars of the “Thriller Express” for the shows coming up in Qatar, Oman and another 14 shows in the UAE.

Imran from Bahrain


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