Malayalam movies : Interesting facts

Topic started by malayalam-film-fan (@ on Wed Jul 2 08:56:40 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

A few things about malayalam movie personnel which must be interesting to know:

=> When MohanLal appeared for his interview in Navodaya studio (for manjil virinja pookkal), there were 3 judges. Two of them (Jijo and Fazil) gave him 95 marks out of 100. The third judge gave 5 out of 100 !!!.

That 3rd guy was none other than Sibi Malayil.

Years later, MohanLal won 2 national awards (kireedom, bharatham) in movies directed by Sibi.

source : Manorama 'sree' article regarding Lal 25 years .

=> Suresh Gopi and Sathyan acted together in movie 'Odayil Ninnu' !!!

Only thing is Suresh Gopi was a child artist in the same.

=> Nedumudi and Fazil were close friends long before they came to movies. They were running a mimicry troupe which used to go with Yesudas's ganamela.

(i wonder why nedumudi got very few roles in fazil movies)

=> Mammootty and Sharaf formed a mimicry troupe when they were Maharajas college students. They were inspired by a mimicry programme they saw in their college, which was done by nedumudi and Fazil.
(Sharaf acted in only 1 movie. His younger brother Kalabhavan Ansar is a director - kireedamillatha rajakkanmar was directed by him).

Just imagine Nedumudi imitating PremNazir and Mammootty imitating Adoor Bhasi !!!!

=> Priyadarsan's father and Thikkurishi were close friends. The name 'Priyadarsan' was given by thikkurishi. In most of the Priyan movies, thikkurishi has acted (until his death in 1998 march) and Priyan was very particular that the first shot will be with Thikkurishi !!!

Guys...Add more to this list....


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