Ayudha Ezhuthu..is this a Manirathnam movie????

Topic started by raghukr (@ on Tue May 25 02:47:42 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Well this question was posted jus to judge the movie.I saw this movie last sunday.The first half of the movie was good but the second half was dragging and Manirathnam didnt find timwe to complete the movie properly.The movie was missing a classical touch off manirathnam...The BGM by Rahman was good..the usual aroma of manirathanam movie was missing in this...till before this AE if u could watch mani's movie even without knowing that he was the director u could easily say that the movie was a manitrathanam's...let it be Anjali,Thalapathi,nayagan or Alaipayuthaey...but in AE that seems missing.Let it be the sharp dialogues /photography or screenplay...all these seems missing which is not upto Manirathnam's standard...we expected a more from him.According to Manirathanam the story was first built around Surya's character...but in AE Maddy has more performing scenes than Surya...i think the director lost his track somewhere in the midst off the story..Please post your view wherther Manirathnam has done justice to AE when compared to his previous?


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