Bhartiraja calls Rajini his friend

Topic started by unmaivirumbi (@ on Tue Oct 15 06:33:19 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I have never seen a more cheap guy than Bhartiraaja in my life. In todays interview he called rajini his friend with whom he had a difference of opinon on Cauvery water dispute.
Look at the quality of Tamilians. After bashing Rajini so much on Sat, I do not understand how he can say something like this. He was responsible for all the agitation against Rajini. Now he is eating his own s**t

Forum- what is opinion about Thalivar fast. You have become so silent. May be you are another Bhartiraaja. Ha Ha Ha. What is your view about Kamal travelling with Simaran in same car?? If the same thing was done by Rajini that is it. You would have assassinated his character for not being serious about a Tamilian issue and having fun before a meeting affecting all tamilians


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