Character of latha rajinikanth

Topic started by Cleanser (@ on Fri Nov 19 22:31:28 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Is she a b!tch? Rajini was a womanizer before marriage. Then why did latha who is from a decent family marry rajini?

I dont think she was decent after marriage. She must have had se!x with number of guys other than rajini. If no then why is rajini running to himalayas every now nd then. In 1983, he decided to become a recluse. Again in 1985 he took the same decision. In 1990 too, he came up with a similar statement. Then finally in 1992, he started going to himalays for meditation. After Two years into married life, no one behaves like this. In 1985, he wanted to divorce latht. his fool fans assumed latha to be a goddess and threatened rajini that they wud commit suicide.

Now, every year he goes to himalays. He is also planning to become a permanent hermit. If latha was decent, he wudnt be doing all this. They are covering everything up so that it shudnt affect the lives of their daughters.

This film industry sucks. All the people in it are very bad. Decent ppl who come to the industry come just for money, fame and fun (se!x).

Her size kept on increasing frm 1990. the more they have se!x more their size increases. Today latha is fatter than jayalalithaa. Ugly sh!t.


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