The tamil industry and why it just won't change

Topic started by theena (@ on Fri Feb 1 06:31:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I recently saw Aalavanthaan and i thought it was incredible. I thought the sasme things of "Hey!ram","Bombay","Uyirae", "Iruvar', etc. But unfortunetley some narrow-minded, asses in India didn't. Why not?? These same crappy SOBs make piceces of CRAP like "friends", 'sharjahan", well the list goes on and on, but they love it. Eg:VijayKanth's "Vanathaipolai"-what a load of crap that was and yet they made it a huge hit and Cinema Express named it the best movie, snubbing a movie like 'Bharathi'. Why? Maybe some of my indian friends can explain this mystery to me.


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