Kamal is so lame

Topic started by media aliance (@ hse-montreal-ppp105777.qc.sympatico.ca) on Mon May 6 17:45:42 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

When questioned by Canadian authorities, Kamal insisted that he was a big star and got annoyed that the Canadians did not recongnize him..

kamal was a big jerk and was throwing childish tantrums..

Every day, hundreds of muslims with beard and even wearing traditional muslim dresses travel via the Toronto Airport. Many of them may fit the terrorist profile, but they have all their papers and cooperate with authorities.. Hence they do not get hassled.

Only reason Kamal was hassled because his megalomaniac ego got on his way,,

He even said it himself in the rediff.com interview.."Indians in queue came to my defense by confirming that I was star back home"

That is his clearance??"I am a big star in india so let me pass by????"

Why the hell will the American/Canadians care if you are a star in India (or whereever).. You provide them with the necessary info/documents and cooperate with them..

Nuff said


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