Question from a Northie

Topic started by Shriram (@ on Sat May 8 05:36:39 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I confess to being zero in awareness of South films and know of only big names like Shivaji Ganeshan and Rajmikanth. Am amazed at some of the interesting discssions.

Sometime ago, I had managed to catch part of a movie starring Shivaji Ganeshan and Padmini (I only remember that it had a great song on a boat). What struck me were the great chemistry between the stars and the ethereal beauty of Padmini. How was it that her looks deterioated so fast ? Why was she reduced to doing near soft-porn stuff for Raj Kapoor ? No offence meant - but she certainly did not have that old beauty in her laer films. Does she also have a history of drinking like Meena Kumari in Hindi ?

My Tamil friend also told me that Shivaji and Padmini were the Raj Kapoor-Margis of Tamil films. Is that true off-screen as well ? I know I am reduced to gossipping but as just curious.

- Shriram


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