The name of the rose - tamil film titles

Topic started by Prabhu Ram (@ on Sat Mar 20 03:53:09 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear all, the title of a movie could well be a poem by itself.There has of course been the inherent laziness in (tamil) filmdom to name the movie after the hero's character and move on to more essential (item nos!) elements of the film.
Very few care to choose the title integrating it with the story (assuming it exists in the first place).I intend to kick off a round of cud chewing here with the question :' which are the most interestingly titled films in tamil'.
I am tempted to rattle off a whole list of kamal films but I shall play the graceful host and postpone the expostion of my personal biases.
Let's talk about the names game at which KB , for one, was pretty adept and balu mahendra has been on and off.......well I let US talk it's more interesting that way. yours eagerly


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