KamalHassan - The 'Messiah' of the NewWave Cinema

Topic started by Senthamizhan (@ on Sat Nov 17 05:57:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The Language and semantics of Cinema has never been more deftly handled before kamalhassan exploded in the Indian Film industry....

Especially right through the Nineties, he has given us such extraordinarily crafted films which also proactively try to transform the point-of-view in which an average film goer looks at cinema and its innate and sublime subtleties.

"Gunaa", "Thever Magan", "Mahanadhi", "Nammavar", "KuruthipPunal", "Indian", "Avvai Shanmughi", "Hey Ram", and now "Aalavandan" have been showcase to his hunger and impatience to usher in a new dimension to Thamizh and Indian film narration and story content.

The implications of Kamalhassan's works are, if not immediately fathomable, would prove to be a Historical Watershed in the socio-political-art realm of India in general, and Thamizhnadu in particular.

Kamalhassan's works should not be criticised superficially, instead our brethern should try to innately analyze and have informed discussions based upon his real motives and urge to create a novel, path-breaking and innovative cinema.

I would like to wish the Great film-maker/actor/writer/producer many more fruitful years in the Indian/thamizh filmworld and possibly world film scenario.

Let us all wish well for his tireless efforts to complete "Marudhnaayagam" , another Paradigm-shift in the Indian movie industry.

" May the Force be with you Kamalhassan!"

- Senthamizhan


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