The movie Kutti -part 2

Topic started by Joe (@ on Thu Mar 7 00:12:40 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I just watched Kutti. The movie is heartbreaking.

No. The movie does not end like that.

1. Ramesh Arvind and Kousalya have gone to the same Mumbai. They found Kutti at the train station by chance. Shocked and disturbed they come back with Kutti.

2. Ramesh Arvind requests his mother (M. N. Rajam) to leave the house and live with his sister in USA (as she was talking). In USA she spends her life in a world she could not understand .

3. The little devil, Ramesh Arvind's son is sent to a boarding school. Whenever he comes home for holidays, he has to do all the cleaning and washing jobs.

4. Police arrests the beeda shop man. He is sentenced for 139 years.

5. Kutti was un educated. Still her skill to make beatiful pottery made Arvind to market the art work. Soon it is a successful export product. And kutti is famous and rich.


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