Its like watching cartoon when watching devotional movies nowadays...

Topic started by cine (@ on Fri Mar 5 23:33:18 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi there..
I am upset with devotional movies nowadays.
Graphics are not being used up to expectations.
It seems that cartoon network's cartoons are much more worth it. Same storyline are being used almost in every single devotional movie nowadays. Whats the same storyline i meant??

Heroine must be very devined to the god, she must have gotten married to a family which will be torturing her till the end where the god will appear and kill those evils in the climax.

Personally, i think from all those devotional pictures i had seen, AMMAN and AATHMA are quite nice.

Amman, graphics were awesome and they seemed more original. Some of them to be mentioned, the part where the SOOLAM will appear out from the AMMAN'S forehead,the part where the hand will come out from the river carrying the "little" AMMAN, and the climax part was simply awesome.

Aathma, eventhough graphics were only used for the movie's conclusion, story seemed more interesting and original. Its a story about where there will be researchers discovering an antique box with some papers in it. This antique box will be safely proctected by an old lady living in the jungle. It will be written in the papers that god will appear infront of any one person in a day mentioned. And the story will go on from there smoothly and i bet that you will be glued to the seat till the picture ends.

These two are the only devotional movies which seemed more original than other "cartoonic" pictures.

What are your veiws guy??


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