For all Malaysians

Topic started by 666(jasmine) (@ on Thu May 6 18:13:13 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

There is this post by this person called nil/nilla about Malaysian Indians. This is what she wrote:

"and further ppl!!

you know wanna know this cheap 666/ nirosha / mee [whatevers]true background??? [nil thinks that everyone who challenged her twisted views is the same person. This response was when I pointed out that I live in the UK whereas Nirosha is Malaysian]


wanna know how her ancestors got to Malaysia?


in the 19 century after the abolition of slavery there was a acute labour shortage in the British colonies. Malaysia was one of these colonies that needed coolie labour urgently and people to work in the tea, coffee rubber plantations.

So the British started recruiting coolies from India, china, Burma and other parts of Asia. These people’s descendents are still found in Malaysia................that’s why you find a large population of chine’s Indians in that country.

Thus the Indians found today in Malaysia are the descendents of the low caste people who were soo poor and backward in the 19C they lived in the roads of madras, Gujarat and bombay. The british got to recruit them on contractual basis.

once they got to the colonies they did the Negroid slave jobs and lives in 1 roomed "lines".
God the life was terrible fopr these coolies. Read a bit on indenture labourers and youll understand what i mean!!!

But in Malaysia some of these coolie in the last 50 years have managed to do business and come forward in life, and it seems our dear 666 is one of them too!!!

What I find very amusing is that in 100 years this cheap low classed/ caste road sweeping Indian coolie nirosha has forgotten her roots to such an extent now she has made up her mind she deserves the status of an lady?. dopnt you think thats funny?

And this low caste/ classed madras road dweller is trying to teach us her former masters etiquette?

Isn’t that amusing?

Malysian friends: Is this true?



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