Why does kamal promote violence in his films?

Topic started by anand (@ on Mon Jul 12 05:09:47 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Many of kamal's films have an overdose of violence. In some of them, it is even justified. Examples include Nayakan, Guna, Kuruthipunal, Mahanadhi, Hey Ram & Thevar magan (climax). As a result,even the (intended) message that he tries to put across is lost. If he can tone it down a bit, it would have a much better impact.

I am not saying only Kamal is doing so. Other heroes too are guilty of it, but when a popular star/actor like kamal does it, it has a negative influence on the cine goers.

I sincerely request kamal fans to respond to the topic objectively & not indulge in personal barbs.


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