BOYS - What's in their Store?

Topic started by truth (@ on Tue Aug 26 23:14:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Shankar's Boys has a chance of winning people's appreciation but its doubtful
that it will recover its full cost.This is the most costlier film of shankar's.

The Audio hasn't moved well inspite of expectation.The audio Rights buyer says,
"INDIAN cassetes sold for nearly 6 laks in few days but i will be lucky if BOYS
goes for 60,000" thats it. Pirated audio existed both during 'Indian' period and
now, for which it can't be blamed. Also the songs seems to be too westernised
and gives an effect of listening to an Album, instead of a filmi.

After going thru the audio and trailor, a small line of story appears in mind:-

* 5 boys who are not so rich, are close friends.
* each of them have a talent in music, ie singing, drummer ect
* they get a rich girlfriend.
* she at first seems disintrested in LOVE, then develop the same feeling with one among the 5( sidharth)
* her rich parents opposes this 2 sided love
* they all feel low at this, and encouraged by VIVEK the great.
* they all challenge to win both in love and life
* they approach a company to give a chance to make an albub
* they sing 'PLEASE SIR' song, convince and get the chance
* they sing "MARO MARO" at an sports ground, to catch viewers.
* meanwhile they get some opposition, either from the girl's parents or somebody
* So they are arrested by police
* finally somehow, they win.

Shankar is an expert is producing a criss cross trailor which is unmatched with the real movie.
So we have to wait and see whats in Boys'store.Anyway BEST WISHES FOR THE HARDWORK AND ENTHU!


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