Hey!!! IsnT iT FuNNY??!!!!!!!!!

Topic started by cine (@ bbcache-12.singnet.com.sg) on Thu Feb 12 02:58:17 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi tamilians and tamilachis..
Are there any movies, which make u laughs when u just even think of that Movie's title??

My choices will be..

Panchathanthiram - whenever i think of the hotel scenes where the commotion take place within the five friends when they finds out RamyaKrishnan is dead...

Boys - scenes which took place in the liquor shop when the 5 boys meet Vivek..

Micheal Madhana Kaama Raajan - the whole movie itself is a comedy piece

Veera - the scene took place in temple where Rajini will be chanting the mantras in a "nonsense" manner...

Thillu Mullu - the movie itself is a comedy piece

Thenali - the movie itself is a comedy piece


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