5 Star....the best movie that depicted friendship.

Topic started by fd (@ on Fri Dec 13 22:22:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

HAts off to susi ganesan for giving a brilliant movie in a modern approach and breaking several Tamil cinema cliches.I think this is the first movie that shows the concept of friends ensuring that their friendship lasts even after matrimony.After watching this movie,it makes us think about our own friends and living with them together.Even the friendship is potrayed is an unsentimental way.Here are a few novel and heavenly scenes in 5 star

--Kaniha intentions to keep all the love letters and read it to her husband and ask him why can't he love her like that.

--The thali sentiments handled in a cool way

--The meeting with the flower seller from the start and 6 years later as the same old friends.

This guy,susi is a promising talent from maniratnam's camp.I can't wait to see his first movie,virumbukiren which is releasing next week.


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