Funny, Comedy review of tamil movie Diwan! HAHA!!

Topic started by Surya (@ on Tue Jul 20 19:11:58 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

"DIWAN" New Tamil Movie Review

Supreme Hero "Sarath Kumar", "PAINT ADICHA PAMBU" Kiran, "Cute Face" Sharmilee, Anand Raj, Vaivelu in a new "LION KING" Movie DIWAN. Sarath Kumar In and As "DOORAI SINGAM" in a New LION Subject DIWAN.


Diwan is an Example "HERO Worship", "Village Panayar who always think about good of the People", "A Guy who always Keeps his word" etc etc and the Same Old Subject we are used to these days for years together. But the Only Difference in the Village Based Do Gooder Film is a Mix up of LION KING and a Tamil Movie that makes us Laugh like anything and falls down. Let me explain to you how "LION KING" Got Mixed into DIWAN.

The movie has Two Parts. One is a Normal Young Hero ( KUTTI SARATH) and a Old Grand Pa Hero ( TATHA SARATH) called As DOORAI SINGAM. Hope you must got the story of the movie by now. KUTTI SARATH is a normal guy who dances with Heroine "PAINT ADICHA PAMBU" KIRAN chasing her like any other ARVA KOLARU HERO movie like "THENAVAN". But the Height and Comedy is "GRANDPA" Sarath. When he walks there is a Back ground Music like a LION Roaring and he has a hair Style like a LION in VANDALUR ZOO and he always Walks with a Background music “SINGAM DA DOORAI SINGAM DA SINGAM DA DOORAI SINGAM DA SINGAM DA DOORAI SINGAM DA "

To make this review more interesting please Read this review imagining a VANDALUR ZOO "LION" in mind and if possible Read this review with a Back Ground music "SINGAM DA DOORAI SINGAM DA SINGAM DA DOORAI SINGAM DA SINGAM DA DOORAI SINGAM DA "!! All together the Set up of the movie is like LION KING Movie. Apart from background music our GRAND PA Sarath helps poor people to Study, Donates anything and everything to poor people and Roars like a LION in the middle and Fights like LION Jumping here and there.

The link between Small Sarath and the Big Sarath is the main story. Small Sarath who chases KIRAN and Sings duets Gets into an unwanted LOVE Problem. Sharmilee who is the Only Sister for rich AnandRaj and Family Loves a Driver and Runs Away from her house thinking that she will get married to him. But that guy ditches her in the middle and in this process SARATH KUMAR saves her. In this process he drives his Van to THIRUNELVELI. But when the Van Wheel touches THIRUNELVELI Soil Air Starts to Blow fast, Rain Starts to come etc !!! Then Comes Two Set of People 40 on one side and another 40 on the Other side with Large KNIVES, IRON ROD etc etc!! SARATH KUMAR gets confused and MANORAMMA tries to Explain The Whereabouts of SMALL SARATH and explains that he is Grand Son of LION KING SARATH.

In this process he Grand Son of LION KING SARATH who can also be called as LION KING SARATH Junior gets Into Trouble and fights will villain. Many Scenes they show Old Sarath and then the Little Sarath. The Director makes the difference By showing the Old Sarath in NEGATIVE and Little Sarath in Color. But the background Music SINGAM ADA DOORAI SINGAM ADA With a Lion roaring Sound has been maintained for Both the Sarath Projecting the LION KING Junior as another VANDALOOR LION!!! I don’t think you want to know what happened in this movie after that right. SARATH conducts marriage of Sharmilee with another guy And joins Kiran who disappears after interval.


There is no word in the world to explain how he makes fun of himself in the name of acting. Especially those LION Style Fights with a Roaring sound in the back ground keeping hands like a ZOO LION and Slapping the Villains. The only thing he does Not do in this movie is Scratching Villains with his Sharp Nails like LION! Kiran who looks like a "PALLU PUDUNGANA PAMBU" is No match with SARATH. I don’t think a LION and SNAKE can go along very well. She does not have Talent or Looks or anything a Heroine has to have. I don’t know why she is coming and irritating us in each and every movie! Kodumai da!!!


After watching this movie you will have a feeling that you are walking out of a ZOO or something. But that’s ok!! Make sure that you don’t ROAR Like a LION and Make Sounds like GRRRRR!!! The height of comedy is SARATH's Hair Style which exactly looks like a 15 Year Old LION which didn’t do HAIR CUT for 15 Long Years. I am Pretty sure that the Hair’s For LIONS are trimmed in Zoo’s. But if you go to GIR FOREST and if you search of a FOREST LION you can see a HAIR STYLE Which is very similar to HAIR Style of SARATH in this movie. The Name of SARATH in this movie is "DOORAI SINGAM". You will Definitely get a feeling that you watched an Animal Planet channel after watching this movie. I think you will definitely will some price If you can send Clippings of this movie to "WORLD Funniest ANIMAL Videos”!! The movie gets 20/100 for Acting like LION!!!!
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