
Topic started by cinefan (@ on Thu May 1 13:11:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Similar to Vikram's earlier successive blockbusters like Dhil, Gemini and Dhool this is another taut, fully engaging actioner, with a thumping good soundtrack by Harris Jayaraj. The action scenes are simply stunning, and the film succeeds on all levels for a '100 day' runner. The fresh pairing of Vikram and Trisha rocks the movie driving the fans crazy. Director Hari who already had a hit with the mediocre budget film 'Thamizh' is sure to savour a great success through this movie. The cast is well chosen, especially Vikram who perfectly portrays a Thirunelveli cop and Trisha adding to the delight. Well, now getting into the story, the movie revolves around the life of a straightforward Assistant Commissioner Adisaamy (Vikram) who is in an attempt to free the society from its political evils. In one such situation he happens to earn the enmity of the villain Perumal Pitchai though he gains the public fame. Trisha plays a college going next-door Brahmin girl who falls in love with Vikram and finally after some falling-outs they get married. As in every other action movie, the plot is well known with Vikram succeeding the Villain and setting things right. The movie starts with Vikram showing up as a rogue while in the later part we come to know him as a Police who is against the evils of the society. Then comes some reels to prove his honesty while at the end he is transferred to a different place thrusting a challenge for seven days with the villain. Certain scenes like his patching up with the villain makes the story a bit interesting while the flashback about Vikram's bribery and his police entry relatively drags the second half. Also worth pointing out is the song 'Idhudhaana' which sets the film for more on Vikram-Trisha pair. Vivek as usual keeps the movie entertaining with his comedy track. Even if the plot is a routine lift-up, Vikram fans are going to have a real treat with his new avatar.


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