TEN more BOYS Songs???

Topic started by Vaalidaasan (@ on Sat Sep 27 10:38:22 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi friends,
I have now uploaded TEN bit songs from the movie in addition to the theme song. The bit songs are currently in the files section of the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Vaali/ group
I hope to hear comments from you regarding these bit songs, since most of the bit songs are FIRST TIME on the Web and I had burnt midnight oil in editing these (Like A.R. Rahman!!!??) songs for our listening pressure. Here are these 11 bit songs/music.
1. Sowkar paetai - The central jail song which is sung by Karthick
2. Naxalite - The song which takes them for police.
3. Iyappa - This song is well known, their launching pad.
4. Manam virumbuthey - The BGM song when the Munna and Harini meet prior to Dating song.
5. Kaadhal arundhe kaname - When Harini leaves Munna
6. Theme Song - The Boys theme song.
7. Tha tha - The BGM of the prostitute scene.
8. Bob Galy Introduction scene
9. Title music
10. Music - Just prior to the break up of the duo
11. End Music - Slow Music to the Boom Boom Song.

Check them and let me know by mail or posting a reply.



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