"Rajini is a Firm believer in Hindutva" - says Cho Ramasamy!

Topic started by geno (@ on Wed May 5 05:28:29 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Q : As a political analyst what do you think attracted Rajnikanth to the BJP? Is it his spiritual inclination?

Cho : He is spiritually minded. He is a firm believer in Hindutva.

The writing on the wall is clear.

The hindutva forces have got Mr. Rajinikanth clearly and firmly in its grip.

They are going to use whatever influence that he has on his poor mind-numb fans to inject the RSS-hindutva poison in the Thamizh mainstream society.

Rajini's one-point agenda now, is to connive against the dravidian-thamizh ethos and destroy the social fabric of thamizhnaadu.

It is better that thamizh people realise fast, that Mr. Rajini's films are not just entertainment, but are propaganda for establishing a hindutva hindu rashtra and for annihuilating anyone who dare to question the RSS-VHP-Bajrang dal-BJP-SHiv sena brand of "hindooism".

What more "DIRECT EVIDENCE" do people need for Rajini's "Hindutva" connections, than this pArpana snake Cho's own words???


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