Is Kamal a communist?

Topic started by kohila (@ on Thu Jan 30 23:27:40 .
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ANBE SIVAM - Is Kamal Hasan a Communist?

Kamal Hasan is mostly seen wearing either red or black. He acts as a painter/artist and while doing a painting of huge portrait of Lord Sivam, he maliciously paints sickle and axe, Karl Marx as well as the minimum wage received by the workers in his art work. Setting up at the backdrop of each scene is also a well captured poster of Lenin and the symbol of axe and sickle with 5 star is seen hanging around the union office also creates much questions behind the role and ideology of the ddirector. Is Kamal Hasan a communist or a Marxist sympathiser ?

Anbe Sivam is the latest film by Lakshmi Movie Makers under the direction of Sunder C. The casts in the movie are well known actors such as besides Kamal Haasan, Madhavan, Nasser, Uma Riyaz Khan, Santhana Bharathi and Kiran.

"Love is God vs. God is Love" is the main theme of the movie. The message is, everyone is a god when one serves humankind and nature. The idea was channeled via such abstract argument that it might leave the audience with confusion especially if they are not politicized. The capitalist who is exploiting is seen always uttering the word " Oh Lord Siva" in between his dialogue as an cynical expression between the relationship of God and those who condone sufferings.

The movie focuses on 2 main characters, which was well portrayed by Kamal and Madhavan. One as a progressive left thinker and the other as a typical middle class who is self-centered and a product of market orientated system(capitalism). Both the characters are accidentally brought together as travelling companions and there would be a sequence of all modes of transport system used along the way to expose each others character and contradiction till they reach their destiny.

We must give credit to the well written script and story by Kamal Haasan himself and accompanied with remarkable photography by Arthur Wilson and Prabhakaran as the Art Director has also done a good job especially on the tragic accident scene of a bus falling down a hill. Madhan should also be credited for the dialogue. Each casts of the movie have also played their role fabulously especially Uma Riyaz Khan who played the role of an activist - her character had strength and humor, well mixed.

The movie revolved around the question of how one sees the world while on the background class conflicts are reflected lightly and carefully. Firstly, it revolved around a group of activists and unionists who fought for the rights of factory workers through street play, which was well orchestrated to attract the youngsters. Other songs too were rich in concept but at times abstract for the mind.

And then it moves to show contradiction of principle within oneself. It shows the conflict between atheist and believers, it shows the conflict and perception of those prescribed to be well dressed. The movie challenges superstitious concepts. It shows love to animal and many other values. Such contradictions were portrayed well but how many of our audiences would understand such dilemmas. If you were a progressive, this movie surely makes much sense.

At one point, Madhavan argues, " communism and socialism is dead…it died with the collapse of Soviet Union " and Kamal replies, " If Taj Mahal disappears, will the feeling of love disappear than…Communism is like that, the feeling is important.

Finally, the movie summed up it's view that every individual is a tool for a change and for a better world in the near future, only if he decides to find GOD in himself and not outside. Madhavan then comes to terms with this and the end when he declares, " Do you know I am god and so are all of you "

. It looks like socialism is reviving. But then, for Malaysia, how many ordinary audiences would understand the significant of these symbols. So, the movie might not make sense for all. But it sure will to those well-versed in left politics. So, don't miss it. It is worth watching. After all not many such good movies are available in the market.

Anbe Sivan will go as one of the better movies of Kamal Hasan in the last few years but what is remarkable is how the movie manages to expose our own contradictions and guilt in this capitalist orientated world. It is definitely a movie worth to watch.


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