Rajinikanth Vs Vijayakanth

Topic started by Rajesh (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg) on Sun Sep 23 03:05:16 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Newspaper report as follows:

What has happened to Vijayakanth?" Kollywood wonders.

In the bygone days, there has existed a rivalry between Rajinikanth and Vijayakanth. That Vijayakanth has dared to make it public, through the recent happenings, raises the brows of all.

All might have guessed that certain dialogues have been interpolated in his film 'Narasimha' with a view to turn the heat on the present-day Chief Minister. He delivers an authoritative dialogue in the film: "No politician, hereafter, should try to get admitted into a hospital on the plea of having a sudden chest pain, whenever they are arrested". He went further to say the following:

If at all I want to enter into politics, well, I would do so straightaway. I wont confuse the public by telling that "I don't know whether I would become a politician or not. God only knows!" etc, I won't play any hide and seek in this connection. I won't pose any big stand even while remaining outside the political arena.

This telling dialogue arouses the spontaneous applause and the whistles of the audiences. The theatres reverberate with joyous din and noise.

Why? In a meeting held recently by the South Indian Artistes' Association too he had made his feelings publicly known: "The big actors do not at all turn for the meetings of the association as if they alone are engaged otherwise. Don't we people have any work at all to attend to?" He has accused Rajini indirectly thus.

When asked about this, the Rajini fans cited certain countryside adages to air their feelings. They talked ill of Vijayakanth in the end:

"There was a time in which Jayalalitha irritated our leader in many ways. The leader retarded her by asking her not to cross in his way. Jayalalitha, in the meantime, had to confine in her house, fight many cases in the court of law and suffer a lot before reaching her present exalted position. Despite knowing all these things very well, Vijayakanth has uttered some words against our leader without any reason in 'Narasimha'. We don't know what would happen to him in the times to come. But we, the fans of Rajini, are not talkers but doers. This is our warning. Take it from us, Vijayakanth is going to be frightened by seeing our show of strength."


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