Which Actor gave a brillant performance in 2000!!

Topic started by Info (@ palo12.pacific.net.sg) on Fri Aug 4 22:43:18 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

1999 was without doubt Vikram for his excellent
performance in Sethu.Ajit fared in a distance
2nd placing in Vaale.

2000 its almost certain, its Kamalhaasan for
his Intense,Brillant performance in Hey Ram.
maybe Vijaykant will come very far away in 2nd
place for Vanathaipola.There is no competition
for Kamal this year in terms of performance.
no other actors in the tamil film world this
year gave a award winning performance.Kamalhaasan
is sure bet for a record 18 filmfare title come
next year.
AT the National award Kamal faced stiff competion
from MohanLal and Vikram.Kamal send his Hey Ram
for the year 1999 insted of 2000.But with the
Filmfare award next year for 2000 movies Kamal
is all alone.even Vikram failed to win the 1999
filmfare awards since it went to Ajit.


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