Kamalhassan-Best film-personality ever

Topic started by BruceA (@ host-66-81-121-131.rev.o1.com) on Sun Feb 22 18:40:43 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Kamalhassan-Best film-personality ever

Kamal has been my favourite actor right from my childhood.
I was like every other young kid, growing up in the eighties, whose scale
to judge good movies was by the amount of action that was there in movies.
All that changed after I saw "moondram pirai" and "raja parvai". Both movies
and more importantly Kamal's character in the movies affected me to the level
that I had to console myself that they were just fictious stories.

More recently, Hey Ram is another good example of good cinema. Though some might
consider the theme contoversial, what takes your breath away, is the amount of thought
that has gone into making the movie. Bringing together cultures from bengal, maharastra
and tamil nadu of yester year tie them together in a logical manner and then don the lead
role of the protagonist. This movie alone made me feel that Kamal does what he does for
the love of it.

From Hey Ram to the recent Virumaandi is by itself a world of difference. Virumaandi,
for those not familiar with the movie, is the story of a man (a villager frm madurai)
who is in death row. Kamal portrays a complex character, brings to the fore the angst
of a person wronged by a jealous scheming foe. Again more than the theme what amazes me
is the amount of work that has gone to make the movie realistic, of rurality
that it is portraying.

"16 Vaiyadhunillai", "Moondram Pirai", "Raja Parvai", "Salangai Oli", "Sathya",
"Apoorva Sahadorargal","Pesum Padam", "Avvaishanmugi", "Nayagan", "Indiyan", "Hey Ram",
"Alavandhan", "Virumanndi" are movies which need to be seen to appreciate the versatility
of Kamal.

Add to the above story creation, direction, histronics qualities Kamal's ability to create
his own dance moves and the fact that he is good singer.

All this makes me feel that Kamal is India's best multi-faceted and talented film personality ever!!

Do you agree?


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