Hindi remakes of Tamil films, S.U.C.K

Topic started by tweety_ speaks (@ cs666844-209.austin.rr.com) on Wed Apr 23 20:36:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

These Hindi filmmakers have no idea of what they aretrying to copy also. Take Alaipayuthe for an example. The climax in the hospital was so subtle and was left to the audience to understand. Madavan was so subdued and so was Shalini. In Hindi, things were told so explicitly and so loudly. Its one thing that the hindi masses are dumb and need to be TOLD everything, but am suprised to note that the film makers in Hindi are equally foolish. Khushi is another example. Vijay are Jyotika were so much fun.In hindi Fardeen was okay, overacting to some extent, but Kareena was toooooo loud and screaming and showed her kapoor status more than acting. Hindi film makers need to get the essence with which films in tamil are made and copy that and not spoil the very version made in tamil.


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