What do we look for in films?

Topic started by mr. orange (@ hse-toronto-ppp3484919.sympatico.ca) on Tue Jan 6 00:31:50 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

please contribute a short review of a tamil movie (or more than one if you like) that has at least ONE of the following qualities:

1. complexity of story
2. freshness of elements or introduction of somewhat revolutionary ideas
3. characters with depth
4. aesthetic beauty of dialogue or picturization
5. master execution/direction (no 'cheap' scenes, excessive melodrama, etc.)
6. an expert analysis of a social practice or situation, usually subtle and containing many layers.

you may follow this format if you wish:
a) name of movie
b) what quality from the above list does it possess? (or you may add your own element that i may have missed above)
c) list any other comments you may have like impressive techniques or filmic devices employed in the movie, etc.

please remember to keep it concise so it holds peoples' interests.
the idea is for people to learn about good movies they might have missed or to look at a movie through another person's perspective. ultimately, we'll be able to see what people look for in movies.

looking forward to your submissions...


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