Is it true ? Please confirm

Topic started by shaam (@ on Tue Feb 24 08:39:50 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Is it true that actor Prashanth does not get any payment for his films.

Is it true that the payment he gets is only a written statement that the producers have payed him 1 crore or 2 crore for a film but in reality they pay him nothing. Prashant shows his fathers black money as the payment for his films.

No wonder that he had so many releases from big banners dispite giving a lot of flops. The father and son duo are saying that Jai is a super hit. Everybody knows that it is a washout. Nobody is even talking about it.

It is well known that his father Thiyagarajan is a smuggler (Truth) and he made bore films on purpose and says that it is a super duper hit and shows the money he got from smuggling as if they are profits from his "super hit" films.


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