Why in tamil movie songs, they shoot the scenes in foreign countries???

Topic started by Raguvaran (@ on Mon Oct 8 04:49:32 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello all;

Why do Indian film produces shoots films, in foriegn countries, like USA,LOndon,Canada, while there are so many beautiful places in India, these MD's do not love their countries nor respect their mother land, they think that american are some kind kings & indians are dogs, well they act like one, since when americans & british shoots film in India (perhaps one or two), why are they degrading their dignity, & according to indian philosophy, an educated man means some one who can speak english, what a load of bull sh*t, English is just a language for god sake, it does not mean that a person who speaks english is an intelligent boffin ,look at the japaneese & chineese they do not speak english in their films, why then the bloody indians, I am so much frustrated about this!!!


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