Mistakes - Anbe Sivam

Topic started by Me (@ on Sat Jan 25 16:04:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

1) The hansome kamal in 6 months looking like he is 80 years old and wearing thick glasses which even the oldest man on the planet wouldn't even use.

2) Kamal who struggles to look after himself gets send to pick up money in the millions.

3) Kiran seems to be running around with a mobile phone and mixing with kamal's friends. Everybody in the union knows kamal is alive...they sent him to pick up big amount of money....kiran couldn't even make a phone call to them....or what type of friends don't ring their friend and leader's girl friend to tell her he is fine...???

4) There is a train accident, the train behind it will never be taken close to the train in front. It wouldn't go within a Kilo meter. But in the movie it gets taken right behind it.

5) A little boy is fighting for his life...they park their van and have a cup of tea which is the funny part of it. In this day and age...Plus so many people injured but they are taking only one patient in an ambulance. Where is the helicopter to air lift the injured????

Please write in if I missed any...I have a feeling I did.


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