Mani Ratnam IS NOT making a movie

Topic started by IamGod (@ on Thu Feb 27 10:01:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

with Ajit, Sham, Srikannth, etc.

This is from Maniratnam himself from the internet chan hosted by hindustan online.

dinesh2002: I heard your next movie is with four heroes - (Madhavan, Shaam, Srikanth and another one). Is the music by A.R. Rahman?
Mani_Ratnam: Don't believe everything you hear!

So what is maniratnam doing now??this is what he says:

sushma02: Are you directing the cross-over film called Dragon Fire?
Mani_Ratnam: Dragon Fire is a book which we are trying to convert into screenplay. And if we do it then we can look at it as a project at some point of time.

Whole chat:,0020.htm


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