review of chiyans Pithamagan

Topic started by sitthan (@ on Mon Oct 27 22:54:46 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Vikram's impressive character. This sycopant anger till the reach of Simran is the effort of this character's detail to it's minute. How or where did Bala fill about such a character who is secluded by the society and lives amidst burning corpses?.The slack in screen play occurred in his earlier work for the film 'Nanda' has been made alright this time. Tto give pace to his scenes, interesting dialogues and capsulated happenings for the film none of the film's scenes have suffered a set back. Especially by creating a commercial priest role amidst Vikram's murderous thrashing. Scenes in jails and a few hilarious moments in Vikram's behavior is also an example. Saving the film without inserting a song and sequence for commercial sake. Vikram does not have a single dialogue in this film. Can you believe? Its known that he is not dumb but can talk, only when he signs a 3-line song beside a corpse. His hanging of both arms while running acts to look like an animal arising to walk brings howls and cheers in theatres.The best scenes in the film? Vikram's thrashing and dragging of the Villain who terrorize Surya in front of Laila. Director does the walking. Balasubramaniam's camera penetrating of locations (especially Ganja gardens in the forest) strengthens the scenes. Eventhough excelling given when with very little space to work only in songs, the maestro has done his act as Bhishma in the film BGM. It challenges befittingly the director and the actor during the climax. This is needed in competition brace your selves folks to join this great action. It may be murmured as another sorrowful story from Bala. But Pithamagan is the best. Every one can become Dad and Mum but it's a miracle to become blessed parents. Kollywood has become a blessed parent once more.



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