What is the best radio/TV station in Europe?

Topic started by Sutharsan (@ ravnsbjerg.bnaa.dk) on Thu Mar 13 14:44:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

What is the best radio/TV station in Europe do you think?

1. TTN Tamil TV
2. Deepam TV
3. TRT Tamil TV
4. Cee(I)TV South for You

1. ABC Tamil Oli
2. IBC Tamil Radio
3. TBc London
4. TRT Tamil Alai
5. ETBC London

My favorites are:
1. TTN Tamil TV - because it is about Eelam Tamils, our struggle for Tamil Eelam, Tamil language and programmes by Eelam Tamils. Of cource mixed with good programmes from Tamil Nadu.

2. ABC Tamil Oli, because they are doing so much to keep Tamil children learning Tamil, Appukuddy T. Rajagopal and other from Ilankai-vaanoli are working there. Good announcers.


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