Why are the SUN TV people so rude?

Topic started by Anonymous (@ on Sun Jul 11 00:59:18 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why are people of SUN TV so rude?They always act big and act as if their channel is the best in the world..Mr.Hansraj Saxena is the rudest..After that comes Mr.Kalanidhi Maran..I was courteous and they are still rude..For one they are too 'big' to reply e-mails..Hansraj in person is stuck up and only talks to people who he thinks are 'important' to be seen with..Stupid attitude..

Their website sucks and it never seems to be updated except for the news..The website always seems to concentrating on that idiot Kalanidhi..Vijay TV and Raj Tv are much better..They have good dramas..


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