The Europeans have better mentality than Indians!!!

Topic started by kr (@ on Fri Jul 28 02:43:35 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The Chief Jury of the National Awards has said
that Hey!Ram should have won the Best Film.
India's national newspaper the Hindu said Hey!ram
should have won awards for Kamalhaasan,Shahrukh
khan or even the Best film.And finally u need
people from other countries to praise Hey!Ram
Out of 4 festivals this year Hey!ram entered in
3 festival and bengali film uttara the other
one.with the International Film Festival the
biggest in the world had selected Hey!Ram has
the best movie in India.and one of the best in
the whole of Asia.and perhaps the world.
the National awards selection panel chose
Mohanlal's movie which never entered any of these
festivals.this shows the metality of the indians.
The Europeans knew the greatness of this movie
even the Asian film festivals panel are
considering Kamal's Hey!Ram and not any other
Indian movie.

The Indian Goverment should and must send Hey!Ram
any other movie will be a big disappointment
if a movie could get nominations in various film
festivals it has a great chance of being
nominated at the oscars.The Indian goverment
or the Indians must send Hey!Ram!!!


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