80s movies better than 90s

Topic started by ravi (@ rr-56-50-178.atl.mediaone.net) on Mon Jan 28 15:04:50 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

am sure each generation will say that their decade was better, I was born in the 70s, but will that 70s, 80s movies and stars were much better than 90s and 00s generations stars..

these days movies are all the same, total glam packages without any soul, 2 out of 100 movies are genuinely different and run.

k. balachander who made such remarkable and thought provoking films like thaneer thaneer, sindhu bhairavi etc makes a stupid dud like partheen rasithen in the 00s; what happened to the directors, their art and more important the taste in audience ?

the same kamal who used body language and pure emotions to convey himself in moondram pirai, makes a complete fool ofhimself in alavandan ! well atleast he tries, which cant be said abt rajni and now shocking ajith, who are caught in their loop making similar, self praising movies.

what are peoples views ? what movies in the 90s and 00s have been thought provoking or genuinely good cinema (whether arty or comedy or even masala)


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