Topic started by alexmathew (@ on Mon Oct 8 13:35:13 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear friends,

I felt the movie 12B to be a very different film ,as the theme seems to be a quite new and interesting one . The film makes us think how much our lives change as a result of very small incidents ,or our momentary thoughts which we neglect in our day to day life .

But , the last scene of the film creates a confusion . note that nowhere in the film , the two possible incidents cross or the two heroines meet .But,the director went wrong in the last scene by allowing the two possibilities to cross.
In the last shot, he showed one shyam (who missed the bus) running after Jyothika and at the same time simran crossing him crying after the death of the other shyam( who got the bus) . This is not at all logical b'coz if one happened , the other possibility can't happen . He should have avoided the shot of simran's breaking down in the last scene , showing the story of shyam who missed the bus as the one that actually happened.

Again , syam sees simran at the beginning of the film as a person who lost some of her dear ones ( not made clear at the beginning, we assume that it may be her husband ), but later in the last shot we see that the dead person was shyam himself. note that a person can't die two times . The director should have shown simran at the beginning just as a normal girl in the institution , rather than showing her as a desperate girl , pondering over her memories of her dear one.

yet, the film stands apart from the usual stuff ,such film projects sould be encouraged .

ur valuable comments are most welcome..


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