Mani Ratnam - nothing special

Topic started by Sanjev (@ on Mon May 13 10:50:47 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I would ask Mani Ratnam to simply retire. That guy just can't think of a another story line. He just has two or three stories where he mixes it up to his liking.

Example - There is three stories

Story 1, Story 2 and Story 3

What he has done so far is...use story 1 to make movie 1 and story 2 to make movie 2 and story 3 to make movie 3.

And then the movies after that are just a combination of Story 1 and 2 or 2and 3 or 1 and 3 or even 1,2 and 3. I don't think he has the guts to try something difference.

He does that because his story 1, 2 and 3 were good stories. He knows that if he mixes it up a movie can't fail.

I'll prove it to you in point form.

1) Terrorist or lets called it armed Milatants
(Roja, Uyire, Kanathil Muthamital)

2) Man and a women falls in love and then they
run away and get married:
(Bombay, Alaipayuthey)

3) Relegious fighting
(Bombay, (Kanathil can also be added here even though it is not a religous fight it is a civil war))

Bombay is 2+3

As you can see Alaipayuthey is half of Bombay (It is simply Bombay minus Point 3 = Alaipayuthey)

Uyire and Roja is the basically the same except in one hero and heroine get back together in the other they die. Sort of one and two together. (Lovers don't run away and marry though)

Kanathil Muthamital, 1 + a love of a child for it's mother.

In Bombay and Uyire The hero is a reporter, in Kanthil he is a writer. (Almost the same)

There are more.

Yes folks, I can sit here and prove it to you in more angels but I think enough is said.

Please let me know what you thought of this.


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