Topic started by Eshwar (@ on Mon Jul 2 04:30:17 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The famous film personality K.Balachander, a multi lingual director (who has made 99 movies in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi), is finally going to hit a century as his 100th movie is in the make. His 100th movie- Paarthale Paravasam, which is being made both in Telugu and Tamil, has Madhavan, Simran, Lawrence (dance director) and Sneha as the leading pairs.

His daughter Pushpakanda Swamy would produce this 100th venture of Balachander. This movie has two things to boast of: Firstly after a long gap A.R.Rehman is composing music for this movie. Secondly, the two super stars of Kollywood Rajanikanth and Kamal Hassan would be seen in this movie in guest appearances. The two top stars feel that for the growth of their career in cine field, to a large extent Balachander has been responsible.

So, as a gift to their guru they are going to be seen in guest appearances in this 100th movie of Balachander. The movie’s songs are to be shot in the beautiful locations of Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The movie would be released for this year Deepavali. U Guys can expect more from Madhavan, right Amirtha?


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