Kamal gave a Md. Ali punch on Rajani's facea

Topic started by wow (@ on Tue Nov 28 10:21:24 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The later generation saw the rise of two stars on the southern firmament, Rajnikant and Kamal Hassan. Kamal had just got married, and as a friendly gesture, he invited Rajni for a meal. Though he was fond of non-vegetarian food, Kamal’s orthodox Brahmin family maintained a kitchen strictly sacrosanct in its vegetarian-ness. Obviously liquor too was taboo, and Rajni, who was fond of his daily peg, contented himself with a rather hurried meal.

It was a different scene entirely, when ‘Remake-king’, producer-actor K Balajee, invited the two stars to his house for dinner, a few days later. A generous and meticulous host, Balajee’s dinners were always the talk of filmdom. His bar was always amply stocked with every known brand of liquor (both Indian as well as imported), and his team of gourmet cooks could produce delicacies to satisfy the most fastidious of palates.

With his usual capacity, Rajni was well on the nine-sheets to the wind level, when Kamal with his usual friendliness, passed him a plate of choice snacks. This triggered an unusual reaction in the action superstar, who launched into a diatribe on the vegetarian ‘cow’s food’ he had been served at Kamal’s lunch. Kamal ignored the digs at first, but they were soon emphasised by drunken prods of Rajni’s finger. "Look at your body!" With that, he waved an inebriated hand towards Balajee’s well-laden table, groaning with all kinds of specialities.
This was a bit too much for Kamal to stomach. Enough was enough he decided, and landed a solid roundhouse punch the point of Rajni’s chin, which would have done Mohammed Ali proud! That punch carried real weight, because Kamal maintained a well-trained body, with his dancing and regular exercise.

The superstar dropped as though pole-axed, and was immediately carted home by friends, who were eager to avoid repercussions.
When Rajni woke up in his bed after a couple of hours, it all came back to him, and though it was 2 a.m. in the morning, he jumped into his car, all set for revenge. He reached Kamal’s house, only to find the gates securely padlocked. Kamal had wisely taken a room in a hotel for the night!

The bigger the stars, the bigger their egos. And the more the producers, directors, and their hangers-on pamper their foibles, the more it inflates their already blated self-importance. More delightful grist to the mills of the gossip magazines, and even more delectable material for the regional yellow press!


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