Rs.10,000 for the 'services' of a tamil TV actress

Topic started by TamBram (@ on Sun Mar 30 11:59:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

TV actress Shweta was arrested by the Anti-Vice Squad for indulging in flesh trade.

Anti-Vice Squad Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Vijayakumari, accompanied by Inspector Rajendiran, arrested her on the basis of information provided by a cinema broker, Abdul Rehman, and Muniswamy, who were allegedly running a brothel using four cinema group dancers _ Jyothi, Noor Jehan, Rajeswari and Lakshmi _ in the Kodambakkam area. They had been arrested earlier by the same squad.

Police sources said Shweta, who has acted in serials 'Inai Kodugal' and 'Anni', had been involved in prostitution for the past two years, allegedly supported by another TV screen actor Sarakesh who used to accompany her to meet clients.

Sarakesh has acted in 'Mangalyam', and 'Inai Kodugal'. Shweta has also acted in Tamil movie 'Geethai', to be released next month.

Police said Anti-Vice Squad inspector Rajendiran approached Shweta as a businessman from Tiruppur and offered her Rs 10,000 for her 'services'.

They allegedly arranged to meet near the Vadapalani bus stand with Rajendiran waiting in a car.

When Shweta got into the car, he told her he would be taking her to a guest house, but took her straight to ACP Vijayakumari who was waiting in a jeep nearby, and arrested Shweta.


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