Kamal and Rajini are Gems in Character and Behaviour

Topic started by Ram (@ on Thu Aug 1 18:35:12 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I saw a interview in Sun TV. After the Star show in Malayasia and Singapore and Malaysia all the stars are returning. Rajini Said " The sucess of this show belongs to Captain Vijaykanth. Also Kamal Hassan and all other actors, Dance Master Kala all others are responsible for this sucess". Then Kamal said " Good Captain (VijayKanth) Good Team" all started applauding. Then Kamal said all the stars are responsible for this sucess.
We can recall how VijayKanth publicly criticised in one of his movies about Rajini entering politics. (He said in a movie I am not like some other person who will say i will come to politics in the right time but he never turned up). Also he also created some problems with RajiniKanth. For Kamal also he created lot of problems. By banning him from the movies for giving interview in TV's etc etc. But when VijayKanth arranged for the Star Nite both Rajini and Kamal did not keep anything in mind and attended the Show. Wihout their presence the programme would not have been sucess. Also they gave open statements Vijaykanth is the man for this sucess. Really Kamal and Rajini are perfect Gentlemen and Gems in Character and Behoviour


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