Rajini cannot become TN's CM

Topic started by ss vv (@ ip68-0-153-82.tc.ph.cox.net) on Thu Aug 29 04:29:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Rajini is a great actor and a great man but if he thinks that he can become TamilNadu's CM that might be just too far fetched.
Following are some of the negative points.

MGR has always portrayed himself as a teetotaller (Only in one film that too a dual role has he acted as a drunkard) so he could easily win over the people. Rajini in that sense had claimed to fame with his "cigarette stunts".Further inspite of him wielding so much influence on the youth and in an era of increased lung cancers (that too public smoking being baned in TN) almost every BABA still shows a smoking Rajini.This may be stylish and fetch him a few applause from his fans, but that is all.

Further the anti-dravidian sentiment may drive him off. First he is a Marathian, which might work against him when people like Bal Thackeray have had anti-tamil attitudes.Most people in TN think Rajini is a Kannadiga, that might make things even worse as Tamil films are subject to severe taxes or bans in Karnataka.Not to mention Cauvery.

He appears to be a guy who is not easily accessible.He does not attend too many public functions nor does he give regular interviews to mags or on TV which build a sort of virtual fence around him.Further people close to him misusing his fame and subsequent controversies just make things worse.

Last but not the least he is a believer in God which no TN politician can openly declare. To make things worse he is a believer in Hinduism which is just too averse to the average "secular" TN politician (it doesn't matter if they have temples within confined quarters).

Hope this helps.I have tried to state facts but if any sort of communal feeling is evident in this post please excuse.


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