caste in tamil cinema

Topic started by thamizhan (@ on Tue Jul 8 12:02:47 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi all,
Just wanted to know why the tamil cinema industry is keen on propagating wrong values like caste dowry etc. In the 1950'2 and 60's stories penned by Kannadasan, kalagnair, and effectively protrayed by MGR and Sivaji.
But today's cinema is increasingly introducing caste in cinema, propagating the idea that one caste is superior etc. Consider these:
1. Kamals name in Nayakan is vel "naicker". What was the need to keep that name.
2. Movie names with caste names: chinna gounder, kunguma pottu gounder, sakkarai thevan, thevar magan,
3. Nowadays movies are increasingly referring to the names like Mudaliar, chettiar, Iyer in movies. Is this correct?
4. In many cases they show marriages within same caste. should they not be encouraging intercaste marriages?
Why is our cine industry becoming more regressive?


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